Photo Project “simply dying”

einfach nur sterben
“simply dying”

In 2016, I had an idea for a concept to this series of pictures. The theme itself goes through my head for much longer. I had a few pictures in my mind but didn’t find a connecting line between them until then. Clinging to this idea, I started sketching pictures and collecting further ideas. The sketches were fine-tuned until I was satisfied with the concept.

Death is a widely neglected and avoided topic. The pictures show (German) words and phrases, used to avoid the simple word Death. Some of the pictures are pretty straight forward addressing the topic, others do it more subtle, but all of them with a smile. They are mostly following a memento mori motif. All pictures are in black and white, have a square aspect ratio andare created out of camera, without any post-processing on the computer.

The picture above was taken in a break between two of the planned pictures.

All 13 pictures were taken between November 13th to 14th 2022 at Reinhard Wagner’s Studio at Rocksdorf. With the help of a great team I was able to take the pictures at a record breaking speed. Thanks to my models Moni and Rowdy, Sebastian and Reinhard for their support and especially Reinhard for the infrastructure. It’s great fun to work in a team like this!

The concept includes presentations as a calendar and in exhibitions.

Photo Booth LED Ring Service 1.9.13 available!


The new version extends installer functionality. It includes support for automated detection of the older Controller Nano. Thhis makes the installation even easier.

The LED Ring Configurator now allows to update the controller firmware.

The new setup image is available in the LED Ring Service download area.

Project: large eye-cup for the OM-1

OM-1 Augenmuschel
OM-1 Augenmuschel, drehbar

I developped a large eye-cup for the OM-1. It shades the eye far better than the original eye-cup. Currently, I designed two prototypes with differend advantages and disadvantages.
The other model supports the eye-sensor but doesn’t allow to rotate the hood. It will be available as dedicated left or right eye model.

One of the models features a rotating eye-cup that allows to adjust for the right or left eye or for landscape and portrait. This model doesn’t alow to use the eye-sensor.

OM-1 Augenmuschel
OM-1 Augenmuschel mit Augensensor-Öffnung

Both models use original OM-1 parts to mount the hood to the camera. This ensures that the hood keeps fixedto the camera like the original eye-cup.

Up to now, there are only two prototypes available. The parts hafe fine details so I have to validate printability of the rubber parts before uploading the parts in my webshop.

Developing such projects implies costs that I have to pay, even if the project fails. I will therefore evaluate all options to minimize risks.

You may follow the project on its project page which will be updated in regular intervals.

If you are interested, please drop me a line through my contact form.

Iceland Explorer Tour 2022

Kratersee im nördlichen Island.
Crater lake in northern Iceland

In the course of an exploration tour I led together with Harald Hois, we managed to visit remote places. We had the chance to dive at rarely visited spectacular sites and even managed to do a first-time dive in a remote northern crater lake.

Due to the guiding, I didn’t take much photos during this trip but modeled under water for Harald Hois. I will show pictures of the trip in a few weeks in my gallery.

Angle Finder Adaptor for OMDS OM-1 available!

OM-1 mit VA-1 Winkelsucher
OM-1 with VA-1 angle finder

I already received a number of requests for an adaptor to mount angle finders onto the OM-1.

I therefore designed a set of adaptors for the Olympus VA-1, the Seagull universal angle finder and the old Olympus Varimagni angle finder.

I printed a prototype for a first test and mounted a VA-1 angle finder onto an OM-1. Thanks to Reinhard Wagner for assisting in measuring the camera and testing the adaptor.

Serial production of these adaptors requires high precision 3D printing, available only on high grade industrial printers. I therefore uploaded the designs to Shapeways. You may order adaptors through my webshop at Shapeways.

More information about the adaptors may be found on my angle finder pages.

Photo Booth LED Ring Service Version 1.9.11 available!


The new version improves the user experience during installation. If no information is entered for controllers, the setup automatically searches for controllers and configures them for the LED ring service.

A new function was added to the LED Ring Configurator. Controllers now can be enumerated and then activated for use with the LED Ring Service. It is not required anymore to edit XML files to change the configuration.

The new setup is available in the download section of the LED Ring Service page.

Photo Booth LED Ring Service Version 1.9.10 available!

LED Ringe
LED Rings

I added an activation function to the Configuration Application. LED Ring and LED Strip command files now can be activated for the LED Ring Service. Configuration files now can be kept in any directory. A number of sample configurations is provided and can be activated in the LED Ring Configurator.

The new version is available in the download area.

Photo Booth LED Ring Service version 1.9.9 available!

LED Ringe
LED Rings

I extended the Configuration Application to allow controller updates with a few mouse clicks. This function replaces the clumsy Powershell script that was used for controller updates before.

The new version is available in the download area.

Increased Costs


Costs for parts originating in the Far East increased dramatically. The increase is caused by a general shortage of electronic parts and recently raised shipping costs. In addition, the tax exclusion for  goods below 20 € was dropped. Custom fees have to be paid now for all goods.

My cost calculations contain a very shallow uplift, so I have to raise prices to cover for the increase in external costs.