The beginnings
There was darkness. Then, somebody said “there be light”, so I bought myself an Olympus OM1 camera. Later on, I got two more prime lenses (135mm and 28mm). A couple of years later I switched over to Nikon and used FM and FM2 camera bodies. A few lenses (24mm, 85mm, 105mm and the famous 200mm micro) was all I needed to have fun.
Going digital
The advent of DSLR cameras made me curious of going digital. There were only a few models on the market and the Olympus E-20 was a good and, most of all, affordable compromise. Two years later, I switched over to the Olympus E-System (buying an E-1 and a couple of lenses). Since that time, taking pictures is (again) one of my favourite pasttime activities.
I built some of my hardware and software projects around photography. Being an active member of the (German speaking) forum, I spend much time in picture critisism and composition.
Trying to improve my pictures, I have already achieved first results. I had a couple of exhibitions and held public beamer shows. Sometimes I hold workshops on photography.
You may look at a selection of my photos in my gallery. Pictures from my trips are grouped by region under “Trips”. Art projects may be found under “Photography” – “Presentations”.