PhotoBooth LED Ring Service V1.9.16 available!


The new version has an improved support for larger rings. It also improves the installerby optimizing automated detection of controllers. Firmware 2.06 or later is required for the Ring Controller Micro to use improved functionality.

Detection of controllers in the LED Ring Configurator is also improved.

The new setup image is available in the LED Ring Service download area.

Photo Booth LED Ring Service 1.9.13 available!


The new version extends installer functionality. It includes support for automated detection of the older Controller Nano. Thhis makes the installation even easier.

The LED Ring Configurator now allows to update the controller firmware.

The new setup image is available in the LED Ring Service download area.

Photo Booth LED Ring Service Version 1.9.11 available!


The new version improves the user experience during installation. If no information is entered for controllers, the setup automatically searches for controllers and configures them for the LED ring service.

A new function was added to the LED Ring Configurator. Controllers now can be enumerated and then activated for use with the LED Ring Service. It is not required anymore to edit XML files to change the configuration.

The new setup is available in the download section of the LED Ring Service page.

Photo Booth LED Ring Service Version 1.9.10 available!

LED Ringe
LED Rings

I added an activation function to the Configuration Application. LED Ring and LED Strip command files now can be activated for the LED Ring Service. Configuration files now can be kept in any directory. A number of sample configurations is provided and can be activated in the LED Ring Configurator.

The new version is available in the download area.

Photo Booth LED Ring Service version 1.9.9 available!

LED Ringe
LED Rings

I extended the Configuration Application to allow controller updates with a few mouse clicks. This function replaces the clumsy Powershell script that was used for controller updates before.

The new version is available in the download area.

Increased Costs


Costs for parts originating in the Far East increased dramatically. The increase is caused by a general shortage of electronic parts and recently raised shipping costs. In addition, the tax exclusion for  goods below 20 € was dropped. Custom fees have to be paid now for all goods.

My cost calculations contain a very shallow uplift, so I have to raise prices to cover for the increase in external costs.

Photo Booth LED Ring Service version 1.9.8 available!


Again, I improved and extended my software package. The most prominent change is a configuration application that allows graphical editing of light effects. It allso allows to show light effects on a LED ring to get the real feeling.

To support these new features, a few changes were required in the controller firmware. Along with the new features, I fixed some bugs on the way.

The latest versions of both software and firmware are available for download on myPhoto Booth LED Ring page.

Photo Booth LED Ring Controller Update


I updated the LED Ring Controller Nano firmare. This was necessary to fix a problem when detecting the controllers in the latest LED Ring Service version.

The updated controller firmware version 1.11 is available for download on the Photo Booth Page.

Photo Booth LED Ring Service 1.9.7 available!

LED Pfeil Arrow36DD
LED Pfeil Arrow36DD

I improved the service setup and service initialization routines. The service is now able to detect controllers by their type and serial number. Changes in COM port assignment that may occur after Windows Updates are now handled automatically.

The new version 1.9.7 may be downloaded from the Photobooth LED Ring page.