There is a life in front of the camera. Most of the time, I take a lot of pictures. Every now and then, I change sides and act as a model. This is a valuable experience for my work with models (and lots of fun too).
Over time, my diving equipment for both warm and especially cold water has been fine-tuned in performance, look and style. I may be booked worldwide for underwater shootings.
Every now and then, I work as underwater model for Harald Hois. He took a couple of pictures during our trips which made it to the frontpage of the DiveMaster magazine (01/2015) and into several photo stories in the unterwasser and the tauchen magazine.

In September 2017, I modeled for Ortwin Khan during a trip through Iceland and Greenland. In DiveMaster (issue 95) you find an article about this trip written by Sabine Kerkau and a selection of pictures (and a great front page picture of course).
One of Ortwin’s picture was also used for a front page of the magazine wetnotes, issue 40.
Modelling for Willi Westermann and Olaf Haedicke, I added pictures of tow more underwater photographers to my sedcard.

Besides working as underwater model, I also model for other projects on dry land. I did several shootings with Reinhard Wagner at his studio or out in the wild.