Booth Buzzer

Every Photo Booth needs a release button. It may be built in, connected via cable or connected through a radio transmitter. All these methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

This solution is a good compromize, packed into a nice shape. The buzzer is designed to withstand real world operation.

Bluetooth LE Buzzer V2.00

Bluetooth LE Buzzer
Bluetooth LE Buzzer

The most recent model uses a Bluetooth LE module that may be configured as keyboard (standard keyboard, multimedia keys and systemkeys). It is powered by a LiPo battery that is charged through USB without opening the housing. Buzzer functionality can be configured through USB with a simple terminal application or through WiFi through a browser. The buzzer has a simple configuration mode that allows to select common keys through a drop-down menu. In expert mode, you may select a wide range of keys and key combinations. It emulates any keyboard key (including alternate functions like Ctrl, Alt, Shift, …) or multimedia keyboard or system function keys. This way the buzzer may even be used to trigger the camera on a mobile phone or tablet or to shut down your PC.

The USB connector now is accessible through the ground plate. There’s also a push-button switch in the ground plate that replaced the sliding switch on the side. The housing now looks smooth from the side at any angle.

This buzzer is based on an Arduino plattform. It uses open-source libraries.

Bluetooth LE Buzzer Module V2.00

Buzzer Module
Buzzer Module

The buzzer module is available as a module for DIY projects. Build you own buzzer housing and enjoy your creativity while using a reliable and tested transmitter module. The module contains all features of the Bluetooth LE Buzzer V2.00 but comes without an outer shell and without the mushroom buzzer cap. It’s just a small piece of pure electronics and software that allows you to realize your dream of a buzzer.

Yongnuo RF-603 Buzzer

Bluetooth LE Buzzer
RF-603 based Buzzer m III

The device uses a standard industrial buzzer switch that connects to a Yongnuo RF-603 transmitter. It is packed into an attractive casing for a more appealing look. It contains two AAA size batteries to power the transmitter.

The batteries are positioned under the mushroom pushbutton. They are accessible after removing the pushbutton assembly.

As radio transmitter module I used a Yongnuo RF-603 transceiver. This way the device is compatible to lots of other photographic solutions.

You may use a regular Yongnuo RF-603 transceiver at the other end to directly control a camera or the Photobooth Controller. To connect the buzzer to a PC, I recommend the Bluetooth LE buzzer.

USB HID Buzzer

Bluetooth LE Buzzer
USB HID Buzzer

There is a third member of the buzzer family. It is connected through an USB cable. No battery, no charging, just connect and forget. It may be used in environements where wireless isn’t reliable or simply not allowed. It may be used with any device accepting a USB HID keyboard or mouse.

This buzzer follows the same design as the Bluetooth LE Buzzer. It may be configured as USB keyboard, media keyboard, system keyboard or mouse. It can be programmed to send a keystroke or mouseclick along with modifying keys (Ctrl, Shift, Alt) or a media key. The buzzer is configured through USB.

This buzzer is based on an Arduino plattform. It uses the open-source libraries HID-Project and EEPROM.

If you are interested in the solution, drop me a message via the contact form.
